Filet the fish (this one was 15 lbs) and remove the skin and cut into 1x2 inch chunks.
Mix together dry mix of 1 lb light brown sugar with 1/2 cup non-iodized salt and 2 tbls black pepper. Place fish in a non-metalic container and thoroughly apply dry mix and leave in the refrigerator for 8-12 hours. I often just leave it overnight. When you're ready to smoke the fish, pour off brine (it will have liquified alot) and place 3 to 4 pieces on bamboo skewers until all the fish is used. The skewers will be placed on racks in the oven so that all surfaces are exposed to the smoke and heat. For a heat source in my wood fired Backyard Bistro oven I place a large iron skillet in the firebox filled halfway with briquettes and when fully lit, add peeled dry alder for my smoke wood and place the pan in the firebox. At the same time, I open the smoke inlet from the firebox at the back of the oven. About every two hours I add wood to the briquettes or as needed. Temperature of the oven will be around 150 degrees. The fish will patina to a golden brown (steelhead has a faint red color) in 6 to 8 hours and when to a sufficiently dry and desired texture, remove and let cool. It gets better the longer it sits in the refrigerator. Be sure and cover with an airtight lid or bag for storage. This system provides a perfect product every time. Enjoy! Another note: I found early on as I would check the fish in the Backyard Bistro oven that some moisture from the fish would gather around the door and general interior of the oven. This will dissipate as the process progresses and the moisture escapes out the exhaust system. Any collected moisture will drain at the back cleaning panel from the interior oven system. Nothing like having an oven that doubles as a pizza/bread oven and a smoker!
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